春暖An enterprising college student agrees to run his professor's Las Vegas car wash to avoid flunking out of school. But it's Vegas gone wild when he decides to staff it with gorgeous bikini-clad girls.
春暖An enterprising college student agrees to run his professor's Las Vegas car wash to avoid flunking out of school. But it's Vegas gone wild when he decides to staff it with gorgeous bikini-clad girls.
回复 :太阴教主七绝阎君为独霸武林,到处杀害江湖正派,其独门暗器“七绝阎王刺”奇毒无比。一向维护武林正义之两仪堡堡主蓝天龙,为免江湖浩劫,广邀各派掌门共商对策,正当众掌门齐集之际,蓝天龙已经中了七绝阎王刺,危在旦夕。蓝天龙之女蓝凤为救治其父,只身向鬼愁谷进发,寻找黑灵芝。蓝凤几经周折终于来到鬼愁谷,鬼愁谷谷主被蓝凤之孝心感动,赐予黑灵芝,并废去凤之武功。华山派弟子马家棠得悉后,竟强夺黑灵芝。
回复 :A group of troubled teens are sent to a rehabilitation program housed in a remote camp on the island of Fiji. What their parents believe is a state-of-the-art deluxe institution in a beautiful natural environment turns out to be a prison-like boot camp where they are abused and brainwashed.
回复 :古董世家汪老爷的千金小姐汪若若(董晴 饰)倾慕从没谋面的才子吴昭,却被汪老爷一手包办婚姻许配给许家公子许岩(刘衍辰 饰),汪若若天性倔强,决定逃婚。在逃离汪家的过程中巧遇正在汪家行窃的两个小偷,并与其中一小偷阴差阳错的达成协议,让小偷帮助汪若若逃离汪家,条件是以汪家藏品《寒林雪景图》为交换,在经过一番精心的策划与曲折的逃离行动后,汪若若终于离开了汪家,但事情远远没有那么简单,原来帮助自己逃离汪家的小偷就是许岩,汪若若知道真相后非常失望,想要独自离开,却被正在荒林里跟吴昭说话的许岩发现,汪若若逃跑的过程中不慎掉下悬崖,却被许岩舍命相救,最终许岩说出了潜入汪家真相,汪若若也改变了对许岩的看法,汪若若也对许岩产生了好感,两人终成眷属,而这一切都是汪老爷(午马 饰)的精心策划,最终也促成了二小姐汪芊芊与吴昭(屠夏岩 饰)的婚事,使得汪家双喜临门。