草莓Two art thieves have stolen the famous "Black Square" of Russian painter Kasimir Malevich. They plan to meet their clients on a cruise ship to hand over the looted art. However, things are not going quite as planned..
草莓Two art thieves have stolen the famous "Black Square" of Russian painter Kasimir Malevich. They plan to meet their clients on a cruise ship to hand over the looted art. However, things are not going quite as planned..
回复 :
回复 :博士用几年的时间研制出了一种隐形药,博士将这一重大发明告诉了自己的助手小燕,不料隐形药的发明传出去以后,引发了一系列意想不到的麻烦事。最为严重的是犯罪分子将药偷去以后,既用来偷银行的钱,又偷博物馆的金器,给社会和公安部门增添了不必要的麻烦。博士最终销毁了隐形药。
回复 :作为警察的污点证人,一个惯偷被送到偏僻小城,意外成为小镇脱口秀明星演员,相关视频在网上飞速传播,被之前的黑帮冤家找到,麻烦从此开始。