怪物This docuseries examines the story of Belgian politician Bernard Wesphael, who was accused of murdering his wife, Véronique Pirotton, in 2013. She had been found dead in a hotel room in Ostend.
怪物This docuseries examines the story of Belgian politician Bernard Wesphael, who was accused of murdering his wife, Véronique Pirotton, in 2013. She had been found dead in a hotel room in Ostend.
回复 :岩窟王(Gankutsuou)根据小说《基督山伯爵》和《群星,我的归宿》改编,由GONZO公司企划制作。曾获东京国际动画节“东京动画奖”电视部门优秀作品赏。两个贵族出身的伙伴:阿尔贝和好友弗兰兹,在星际间做着旅行,在月球都市露娜上邂逅了从外宇宙凯旋而归的叫作蒙迪·克里斯托伯爵的神秘大富翁。一个自称是基督山伯爵的神秘人物引起了他们的兴趣。伯爵从一个月前来到这个城市,阔绰大方很快就成为人们的话题,但没有人知道他的来历。他神秘的外貌、出类拔萃的感受力,充满智慧的对话和大胆的行动,都使阿尔贝彻底醉心于他。伯爵也希望阿尔贝成为他与巴黎社交界的桥梁。尽管弗兰兹对于阿尔贝迅速被伯爵他倾倒一事感到十分担心,可阿尔贝却完全充耳不闻。其实,伯爵的真实目的是为了复仇。阿尔贝在这场报复中充当着怎样的角色?伯爵复仇的下一步行动又是什么?
回复 :因发现新能源资源而建造的megafroat城市?贝隆城。在那里经营小公司的青年?秀。他因平日花钱大手大脚而过着饥肠辘辘的生活。担心这样的秀,去他的事务所兼自己家的一个少女?干脆。她在贝隆市内上高中的同时,照顾从工作事务到家务。还有一个人,是秀以前所属公司的前辈,也是她的前女友亚矢野也很在意他。在太平洋上的人工岛上掀起。
回复 :The moon landing in 1969 was one of the greatest feats ever achieved by mankind, an epic journey by three legendary astronauts that tested the limits of human ingenuity. Or was it?In the years since, many theories have arisen that this achievement was faked in what would be one of the greatest hoaxes ever created.In this fascinating series, a team of experts and investigators interview key witnesses and look at all the evidence for both possibilities, to truly separate the facts from the fiction.1. NASA Nazi Conspiracy2. Fire in the Cockpit3. Killing Armstrong4. Conspiracy of the Lost Tapes