明泰曾是一位英俊性感的成功股市业务销售员。好景不长,魔幻他工作时候犯下大错,魔幻惨被开除。对于妻子来 说,无业的丈夫,是个完全的失败者,包括在床上!妻子的无视使明泰寂寞非常。五个女邻居都对明泰虎 视眈眈,她们被他的外表吸引,期望与他秘密发生关系。分别是纯情、性感、强悍、神秘的女士,都强烈 争夺想和他上床X爱,加上他别緻的妻子,五种不同的女人正色诱他,明泰危险但快乐的新生活正式开展
明泰曾是一位英俊性感的成功股市业务销售员。好景不长,魔幻他工作时候犯下大错,魔幻惨被开除。对于妻子来 说,无业的丈夫,是个完全的失败者,包括在床上!妻子的无视使明泰寂寞非常。五个女邻居都对明泰虎 视眈眈,她们被他的外表吸引,期望与他秘密发生关系。分别是纯情、性感、强悍、神秘的女士,都强烈 争夺想和他上床X爱,加上他别緻的妻子,五种不同的女人正色诱他,明泰危险但快乐的新生活正式开展
回复 :20年后的人类社会,正面临着前所未有的灭顶之险——所有的人类都丧失了生育能力,而东欧和非洲国家已经四分五裂,人口向英国等富裕国家大量迁移。然而在英国境内,人们正陷入一片混乱和恐慌中。人人都为世界末日的到来而焦躁狂暴。非洲女孩肯(克莱尔-霍普•阿什提 Claire-Ho pe Ashitey饰)非法移民到这个国家,但令人振奋的是她腹中竟然怀有孩子。为了保住人类唯一的血脉,警察蒂奥(克里夫•欧文 Clive Owen 饰)和前妻朱丽(朱丽安•摩尔 Julianne Moore 饰)决定不惜一切代价将肯安全离境,但枪林弹雨却使他们举步维艰。在逃亡中,婴儿出生在了一个难民营里。刀枪当前,保住人类最后的希望,成为蒂奥心中唯一的信念。
回复 :Hospital physician June Lowe and successful author Rick Lowe have a seemingly perfect marriage, the one sticking point between them being the issue of children. Rick wants June to give up her career so that they can start a family, and while June is not averse to the notion of children, not only does she not want to give up her career but expand into writing herself, she not understanding why Rick couldn't/shouldn't be the primary caregiver anyway in already working from home. In the process, June feels like Rick totally dismisses her feelings. When Rick receives a blackmail letter for something he totally denies as truth, June gets implicated in a double homicide. June quickly realizes that Rick is trying to frame her, he the actual murderer. As June needs to evade both Rick and the police and has no one to confide in, including her generally loving sister Maggie Porter who believes the accusations of she being a murderer, June not only has to discover why Rick killed the two victims but why he is trying to frame her. When she believes she's discovered what's going on, June enters a dangerous cat and mouse game with Rick, it not always clear who is the cat and who is the mouse.—Huggo
回复 :蓬莱仙阁,烟笼雾锁,吕洞宾(石维坚 饰)、铁拐李(赵钱孙 饰)、何仙姑(田晓梅 饰)、汉钟离(铁牛 饰)、韩湘子(孙剑 饰)、蓝采和(杨健忠 饰)和张国老(袁之远 饰)七位神仙共聚一堂。席间,铁拐李提议将官宦曹国舅(王夫棠 饰)点化成仙,何仙姑因嫉恨富豪官吏而心生不悦,一场聚会不欢而散。被贬出宫的曹国舅接连受到七仙点化,却不以为然,直到直谏昏君(宋家琪 饰)再遭贬斥,方有所醒悟。对仕途心灰意懒的曹国舅一心求仙,云游途中经历无数考验,在七仙点化之下看透功名粪土、世态炎凉,遂茅塞顿开,羽化成仙,与七仙踏海而去……