回复 :身负神力的少年周处(何与 饰)顽劣叛逆,总是好心办坏事,被吴郡百姓视为异类。某夜,周处为救城外孩童,杀死白额虎妖,不料却引得虎王(陈国坤 饰)降祸吴郡。在与虎王一战中,周处身受重伤。而后虎王施展妖法,吴郡生灵涂炭。失去超能力的周处,变为一个普通人,受到了百姓的恩惠和照顾,也意识到了自己之前的错误,明白了英雄的精神和责任所在。周处浪子回头,身披父亲留下的天星铠甲,与虎王展开了终极一战。
回复 :六二八(夏嘉伟 饰)是月老的徒弟,跟着月老替凡间的男女牵线搭桥。个性大大咧咧肆无忌惮的六二八在一次偶然之中闯下了大祸,最终被师父贬下了凡间。师父告诉六二八,只有在成功结成三对姻缘后,他才能够重新获得返回仙界的资格。本以为这是小事一桩的六二八发现,没有了师父的指导和帮助,原来看似简单的任务,竟然会凭生这么多的意外和波折。孙思怡(何雨霏 饰)和王大力(赵耀星 饰)能否在重重的困难之前依然坚定的选择彼此?李雷(花希 饰)和韩梅梅(罗永娟 饰)虽然性格迥异总是因为小事而产生分歧,但实际上两颗心早已经紧紧地靠在了一起。苏雅(颜丹 饰)和陈涛(黄兴飞 饰)又是否能够珍惜两人的漫长往昔,坚守他们的爱情呢?
回复 :Six Characters is possibly the most highly anticipated Thai film this year, not least of all for its star-studded cast. On a shooting set filled with tension, a nervous director (Mario Maurer) tries to shoot a horror movie. The willful cast of actors is no help. Meanwhile, six strangers suddenly appear who tell their story, explaining that they are the characters of the script left by a dead screenwriter. The director laughs at the strangers at first but eventually begins to get carried away by the compelling family story they tell. Director M.L. Bhandevanov Devakula, who also visited Busan in 2011 with Eternity, is a director who is talented depicting eroticism with intense emotions as well as adaptation as in the Jan Dara series. Six Characters, an adaptation of Italian playwriter Luigi Pirandello′s Six Characters in Search of an Author, spotlights the director’s strengths and vision.