回复 :在大都会盘桓多年的堂菌鸫美(荣仓奈奈 饰)身心疲惫,她辞掉工作后默默回到老家,与祖母十和相守度日。不过随着祖母的去世,鸫美重新被抛入孤独和悲伤之中。某个夜晚,一个中年男子不请自来出现在鸫美的家中。对方名叫海江田醇(丰川悦司 饰),自称是角岛大学哲学系教授,此前一直跟随鸫美的祖母学习印染技术。他拥有老房子的钥匙,并且全然没有离开的意思。海江田率真耿直,且个性毒舌,令鸫美不胜其扰,他甚至四处乱说会和鸫美结婚。但在磕磕绊绊的相处过程中,他们之间的距离似乎悄然地缩短了……本片根据西炯子的同名漫画改编。
回复 :1949年,大量内地居民涌入香港,一对儿小兄弟也在这乱世中赴港谋生,他们在码头受尽地痞欺侮,幸而两人拜入潮州帮大佬“王老吉”门下得到庇护,并被后者收为养子,得名马少霖(郑则仕 饰)、马世豪(吕良伟 饰),马氏兄弟从此帮助王老吉经营“字花摊”。数年后,二人已经成年,世豪不甘养父的生意不振,与兄长联络外人将字花摊生意揽入手中,并依靠报纸的传播力量打开了局面,同时马少霖投资报业名利双收,成为报业董事会主席。1968年,兄弟俩涉足毒品,与香港大毒枭金牙驹陷入混战,导致养父和众多兄弟殒命,马氏兄弟依靠议员的力量横扫黑帮,一家独大。他们的黑帮事业蒸蒸日上之时,廉政公署宣告成立,形势急转直下……
回复 :Rabiye Kurnaz is someone you might generally call an ordinary woman, except that she is a real dynamo. Taking care of her children and much more, she is the one running the show in her terraced house in Bremen. Shortly after the attacks of September 11, 2001, her son Murat is accused of terrorism and is (one of the first) shipped off to Guantanamo prison camp. This marks the beginning of a journey into the heart of world politics for this resolute German-Turkish woman. Together with human rights lawyer Bernhard Docke, whom she soon has completely on her side (like almost everyone around her), she battles for the release of her son – using her very own brand of self-taught English – all the way to the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C.Cologne-based comedienne, author, presenter and much more Meltem Kaptan is the perfect fit for Andreas Dresen’s special talent for combining explosive topics (in this case based on actual events) and the everyday concerns of the average citizen. Kaptan’s, or rather Rabiye’s, performance is overwhelming, and not just for the lawyer (played by Alexander Scheer) who quickly becomes a friend. A portrait of a passionate woman who holds the steering wheel of her beloved vehicle as firmly in her hand as she does the reins in this turbo-charged film.