回复 :德国首都柏林,一起失败的军火交易使朝韩各方势力的对抗趋近白热化。朝鲜大使李学秀(李庆荣 饰)及间谍表宗盛(河正宇 饰)发现来自祖国的另一名冷血间谍董明秀(柳承范 饰)现身柏林,政权更迭让多年漂泊海外的他们心中充满不祥预感。在此期间,宗盛不得不遵照党的指示监视妻子——大使贴身翻译莲贞熙(全智贤 饰)的行踪。另一方面,在追查军火交易行动中遭受挫折的韩国情报机构负责人姜部长(韩石圭 饰)不甘失败,持续追查宗盛的踪迹。在大使叛逃计划失败后,宗盛得知董明秀来到柏林的真正目的。为了避免成为权力斗争的牺牲品和肃清对象,他只得带着妻子绝路逃亡……
回复 :一直深爱着哥哥的妹妹从医院领回了因一起意外事故中失忆的哥哥,并谎称是他的恋人,与哥哥生活在了一起。两人时刻承受着道德与情感的冲突,但情感的河流奔腾得如此汹涌,道德在情感面前显得异常无力。道德的解构表现在拆房的建筑工地一再地出现,而情感则在日常的相濡以沫中以温和的姿态感染着观众。不是什么肮脏的不伦之恋,而只是干干净净的平常人的情感,甚至要更纯更美。
回复 :There's little wonder in the working-class lives of Bill, Eileen, and their three grown daughters. They're lonely Londoners. Nadia, a cafe waitress, places personal ads, looking for love; Debbie, a single mom, entertains men at the hair salon after hours; her son spends part of the weekend with her ex, a man with a hair-trigger temper. Molly is expecting her first baby and its father acts as if the responsibility is too much for him. Eileen is bitter, complaining about her husband and the dog next door; Bill's a doormat. His West Indian neighbor offers him a drink; her own grown son locks himself in his room most of the time. Will anyone connect during this Guy Fawkes weekend? Written by <jhailey@hotmail.com>