回复 :Appoy is a school kid with a creative mind who couldn't cope up with the formal system. All the while he got attention through his art. When he was forced to the edge of the system he begin to lose his identity. Later he is pushed into a loser category. At one point he begins to get attention when he started to perform outside of the system as a wild character. Because of the strong outer factor of the system and due to confused feelings he chose to remain as a wild character without knowing he is actually being a slave of the rottening system.
回复 :In fourteenth-century England, peasant girl Christine Carpenter is so attracted to a statue of the Virgin Mary that the local priest (who lusts after her) suggests she be walled up in the church as an anchoress, a holy woman with responsibility for blessing the villagers. But when the priest has Christine's mother tried as a witch, she digs herself out of her cell, a crime for which the punishment is death.
回复 :海镇高中高二女生乔曦外表可爱,却是学校里出了名的坏女孩,捉弄老师、欺负同学、成绩白痴。被班主任封为无可救药那类学生,和学霸曲兰兰是两个极端。眼看高考在即,乔曦还是无心学习,和几个“臭味相投”的闺蜜混在一起。直到遇到新来了年轻班主任孙地一,点燃了乔曦人生的希望之火。