回复 :肖瀚(肖央 饰)和妻子沈红(代乐乐 饰)结婚多年,感情早已经归于平淡,在两人漫长的婚姻生活中,肖瀚一直保持着对妻子的忠诚,直到某日,一位名叫yoyo(李成敏 饰)的美丽女子出现在了肖瀚的身边,令肖瀚再也无法忽略内心里的悸动,他决定正视自己的感情,不再受道德和舆论的约束,大胆追求自己真正渴望的爱情。为了成功抱得美人归,肖瀚找到了好友艾木(艾伦 饰)、汤怀(乔杉 饰)和刘磊(小沈阳 饰)等人,几人策划了一个看似万无一失的计谋,胜利的果实势在必得。哪知道在执行计划的过程中,肖瀚的老板玛丽莲(闫妮 饰)几度搅局,闹出了一堆的笑料,不仅如此,敏感的沈红亦预感到丈夫正在“搞事情”。
回复 :斯派克·李将为百老汇舞台剧《大卫·伯恩的美国乌托邦》执导电影版。该剧目已在去年10月开演,持续到今年2月16日。电影版计划于今年上映。
回复 :A great spanish cult movie!!This is one of the most astonishing films ever made. It has some scenes that it should be in the history of cinema. Like the filming by Fernando Fernan Gomez of the militias using a big roll of paper to win a positions. Or the begging of the film based on real events. The birth of the director inside the carp where the first cinematographer was showing "the train arriving to the station". Being shoot in really simple way it's amazing the proper use of the audiovisual language. The late Guillermo Cabrera Infante showed this film in a Canadian film festival in Spanish without subtitles when the projection finish the audience didn't move and they ask for seen the film again. The effect of this film in the audience is unbelievable. None a single person that has seen this rare Spanish movie could forget it. Except the main actor Fernando Fernan Gomez who never remember work on it.