回复 :After the Great Earthquake in Northeastern Japan, Mitsuo is sent to a mental hospital from the strain of grief from working to clear out the debris of the disaster. When he is released 3 years later, he feels a moment of happiness as he is welcomed back by his brother Yuta, his wife Yoko, their first daughter Chie, and their second daughter Itsuki, who has a down syndrome.The next day, Chie wishes to go to the amusement park, and Mitsuo takes Chie and Itsuki there. But these happy moments don't last long, and the incident happens at the park. Chie dropped Itsuki on the concrete when Mitsuo took his eyes off of them. Yoko cannot accept Itsuki's death, madly questions Chie and Mitsuo. In this pressure, Chie lies that "Uncle Mitsuo dropped Itsuki." As Yoko goes through a mental breakdown from the shock. Becoming full with regret day by day, Yoko accuses Yuta and questions if he felt relieved that Itsuki died. Hearing this fight between her parents, Chie's heart was also slowly being ...
回复 :菲律宾黑帮分子董岳于香港犯案,被警员细鬼,阿龙及其上司梁森缉捕,并由阿龙及政治部的大岛押回菲受审。不料途中让其手下救回,阿龙和大岛在当地警员范曾的协助下决定留下追捕董。在追捕逃犯的过程中,大岛和范的旧拍档均遭董偷袭,不幸身亡,范和阿龙同失好友,决意与歹徒决一死战……
回复 :三年一度的芳江钢琴比赛开幕,具备不同身份和天赋的参赛者们在此邂逅:跟着养蜂人父亲辗转各地,喜欢音乐却没有一架属于自己的钢琴的天然少年;曾被捧为神童,但在母亲去世后突然逃离舞台的少女;出身钢琴世家,从外貌到琴艺无不令人痴迷的混血王子;一度放弃音乐家梦想,直到孩子出生,才再次挑战比赛的平凡上班族。所谓天才,究竟因何是天才,而没有过人天分的凡人,是否有追梦的可能?