回复 :故事讲述了风靡十年的超人气热血IP《排球少年!!》中人气最高、最精彩绝伦的垃圾场决战。日向翔阳因为心怀成为“排球小巨人”的梦想加入了乌野高中排球部,逐渐成为独当一面的副攻手。春季高中排球比赛上,乌野高中排球部终于迎来了与音驹高中排球部的正式比赛。同为“没落的豪强”,两支队伍惺惺相惜,却从未站上过同一场正式较量的舞台。长久的纠葛终于迎来了结,一场“只有一次”的命运对决即将开幕!振翅一击吧,心怀梦想的少年们!
回复 :华盛顿警官亚历克斯·克洛斯(摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Freeman饰)是警方的一名心理咨询专家。他突然接到在北卡罗来纳州达勒姆小镇上学的侄女失踪的消息。为了找到侄女,亚历克斯决定一探究竟。然而当他到达当地警察局后,亚历克斯发现这里已经连续失踪了多名少女,自己的侄女只是受害者之一,她们无一例外的都是既聪明又漂亮的优秀女孩。死里逃生的女医生凯特·麦克蒂尔南(艾什莉·贾德 Ashley Judd饰)是唯一侥幸逃脱的女孩,她只记得凶犯是一个头戴面具自称“卡萨诺瓦”的变态杀人狂。凯特为亚历克斯提供了许多有价值的线索,然而狡猾的“卡萨诺瓦”却始终没有现身仍逍遥法外。一场漫长而艰辛的追捕开始了。本片根据美国知名畅销小说家詹姆斯·帕特森的同名小说改编而成。
回复 :About a week after the Woods family move in to Xaos House, their daughter Ellie goes missing during a power cut. Ellie's mother Keira investigates and finds that the walls have strange symbols engraved into them. After a number of terrifying supernatural experiences she comes to the conclusion that the house took Ellie. She discovers that a physicist and occultist called John Fetherston, who was obsessed with finding the 11th dimension, built the house and engraved sinister equations on the 10 steps leading into the cellar. Finally, Keira must battle with the universe’s most ancient evil, or lose her family’s souls forever.