该片讲述为了获得自由而计划结婚的航空公司老板二代“成硕”(金东旭 饰)和为了寻找自己的人生而选择结婚的前田径队员“海珠”(高圣熙 饰),命运为了达成彼此的目的假装结婚而发生的故事。
该片讲述为了获得自由而计划结婚的航空公司老板二代“成硕”(金东旭 饰)和为了寻找自己的人生而选择结婚的前田径队员“海珠”(高圣熙 饰),命运为了达成彼此的目的假装结婚而发生的故事。
回复 :傑基倫(查理士布朗遜,「猛龍怪客」)是新任美國總統的保鏢,他奉命保護第一夫人拉娜羅斯(吉兒愛爾蘭,「閨房外的春天」),但她卻偏偏喜歡出風頭,使得傑很難保護周全。由於不知名人士屢次意圖暗殺第一夫人,令她不得不妥協,接受傑的保護。然而兩人的朝夕相處卻開始發酵,由針鋒相對而慢慢變成暗生情愫…
回复 :The direction of The Sleeping Tiger was credited to Victor Hanbury, but this was actually a pseudonym for the blacklisted Joseph Losey, whose first British film this was. Alexander Knox stars as psychiatrist Clive Esmond, who believes that he can stem the criminal tendencies of young fugitive from justice Frank Clements (Dirk Bogarde). To this end, Esmond hides Clements in his own home. At first hostile towards the handsome crook, Esmond's wife Glenda (Alexis Smith) gradually warms up to her house guest, and before long she and Clements are casting lustful glances at one another. She intends to run off with Clements and make a new life for herself, when suddenly he decides that he actually wants to reform. If nothing else, The Sleeping Tiger is a fascinating precursor to the sexual tensions prevalent in Losey's later Harold Pinter adaptations. ~ Hal Erickson, Rovi
回复 :元和九年(1623年),德川第二代将军秀忠在江户大奥内暴卒,其死因尚未查明,下任将军继承人的问题旋即便被摆上台面。秀忠生前宠爱幼子忠长(西郷輝彦 饰),京都皇族也对其甚为看好,故而江户多数大臣全力拥护忠长出任第三代将军;另一方面,忠长的兄长家光(松方弘樹 饰)是第三代将军的合法继承人,其背后有老中松平信纲(高橋悦史 饰)等文臣的支持,更有将军剑术师傅——柳生宗炬(萬屋錦之介 饰)及其武士家族充当坚强的武力后盾。为使家光成功践祚,柳生一族广结同盟,在对手处安插眼线,甚至不惜采取暴力手段达到目的。那个夏天,江户城内外陷入权力斗争以及血雨腥风之中……