回复 :A female cop goes undercover in a high price whorehouse to find a murderer and discovers she likes the assignment more than she should.
回复 : 富家子弟庄学文下乡收租,认识了纯朴婉约的穷家女阿霞,常不自禁探访她。不久阿霞母亲病逝,学文对阿霞由怜生爱。阿霞为葬母,卖身庄家为婢。学文与阿霞相恋遭父母反对,表舅父乘机撮合学文与表妹章秀娟,并迫阿霞做其填房。学文明言非阿霞不娶,决意离家,终令父母屈服,允许两人婚事。学文更揭破表舅父舞弊,与阿霞有情人终成眷属。
回复 :Long Island, NY, summer 1961: Preteen Alice follows, from across the street, the glamorous love life of Sheryl, 17, with bowling alley Rick. A friendship develops as Alice helps Sheryl see Rick.