回复 :该剧改编自时镜的同名小说,曾经的姜雪宁无依无靠,因要自保、也因贪婪,她不择手段的谋取权势,处心积虑当上了皇后,却因此践踏了无数真心,与青梅竹马的小侯爷反目。后,曾受她救命之恩的当朝帝师谢危竟逼宫谋反,一朝倾覆,皇帝死了,她真正亏欠在意的清正良臣张遮,也因她身陷囹圄……所幸,她有了重获新生的机会。她要坦荡潇洒,再无亏欠。
回复 :我本是商业大佬却因为意外穿越,还成了大旱三年的地方县令!看我利用現代人的思想,先定个小目標:搞粮,搞钱,搞生产!沒想到遭遇到女帝微服私訪?我成了帝國最强县令!
回复 :Two sisters, Becca and Rosaline, who have grown apart over the years but through tragic events learn to love and respect one another all over again. Each sister flies out to the Isle of Man to discover and repatriate the body of their mother, Mary, who they learn has been living a double life, leaving their father Richard at home in Manchester, whilst creating another world for herself.