回复 :孙悟空(周星驰)护送唐三藏(罗家英)去西天取经路上,与牛魔王合谋欲杀害唐三藏,并偷走了月光宝盒,此举使观音萌生将其铲除心思,经唐三藏请求,孙悟空被判五百年后重新投胎做人赎其罪孽。五百年后孙悟空化身强盗头头至尊宝。当遇见预谋吃唐僧肉的妖怪姐妹蜘蛛精春三十娘(蓝洁瑛)和白骨精白晶晶(莫文蔚)时,因为五百年前孙悟空曾与白晶晶有过一段恋情,至尊宝与她一见钟情,但因菩提老祖将二人妖怪身份相告,至尊宝仍带领众强盗开始与二妖展开周旋,过程中,白晶晶为救至尊宝打伤春三十娘,自己也中毒受伤,为了救白晶晶,至尊宝去找春三十娘,遭白晶晶误会,绝望自杀,至尊宝开始用月光宝盒以期使时光倒流。
回复 :The plot is set during the Balkan war in the early nineties. Haunted by horrible nightmares, Harlan Draka wanders the countryside, shamelessly making money pretending to be a Dampyr (half-human and half-vampire) ridding villages of what the villagers naively believe to be evil monsters. But, when he is summoned by soldiers who are under attack by real vampires, Harlan finds out the truth: he is a Dampyr. While trying to destroy a terrible Master of the Night, he will have to learn to manage his powers and find out more about his origins.
回复 :There is a girl who is a student at a tailoring school. She has a friend who has a boyfriend and is always having sex. She herself, however, remains a virgin. She sees her brother masturbating one day. She asks her friend to have sex with her brother. Her friend asks her to spread it for her older brother in exchange. It is a deal and the four go on a hike.