回复 :女性时尚杂志《美丽》副主编艾雨(许晴饰)与某汽车品牌的地区经销商谷烽(姜武饰)在外人眼里是一对令人羡慕的夫妻,他们家境优越,彼此恩爱甜蜜,正准备要一个孩子来成就一个完整的家庭。不料,在另外一座城市中发生的一起妻子因为长期遭受家庭暴力,结果愤然杀夫并企图自杀的案件却引发了巨大的波澜,彻底改变了这对夫妻的生活轨迹。原来,谷烽与这个家庭有着一段不可磨灭的往事……当得知艾雨的手下天娜要去受害人徐天爱所在的城市采访调查时,一直隐瞒自己过去的古烽再次欺骗了艾雨,企图阻止天娜调查,暗中来到了这座城市。天娜调查时意外得知徐天爱当年曾经被人强奸过,于是对此事展开调查,意外在图书馆的陈年报纸当中找到了关于徐天爱被强奸的报道,报道中,谷烽的名字赫然出现在强奸犯的后面。带着疑惑的天娜回来立刻去找谷烽,要他把一切解释清楚。谷烽悲伤的看着天娜,提出了自己唯一的要求,就...
回复 :简亦宝(商天娥 饰)一直以来都自认为是职场女强人一枚,从没想到有一天,自己会辞掉工作回归家庭,过生洗手作羹汤的日子。角色的突然转变让她感到十分不习惯,并且对未来充满了悲观。与此同时,简亦宝的丈夫孙家安(张兆辉 饰)在工作上遇到了重大危机,雪上加霜的是,简亦宝没了工作,自己成为了家中经济的唯一来源,巨大的压力之下,孙家安陷入了焦虑之中。简亦宝的妹妹简亦丹(滕丽名 饰)感情不顺,邂逅了马来西亚男人吴乐仁(陈奂仁 饰),两人竟然在冲动之下闪婚。然而,随着吴乐仁追随着简亦丹来到了香港后,性格和文化差异巨大的两人就没过过一天安心日子。
回复 :An Arab boy, Abdullah, loves his donkey, Bim, but another boy, Massoud, who also happens to be a prince, is jealous of Abdullah and his relationship with Bim, so Massoud steals the donkey and plays mean tricks on him, such as painting him and trying to cut his ears off. Abdullah tries to rescue Bim but is caught by palace guards and is imprisoned. Realizing Abdullah's love for his donkey, Massoud becomes ashamed of his meanness and frees Bim and Abdullah. However, the donkey eats Massoud's father's lunch and is taken to a butcher. Abdullah and Massoud try to rescue Bim from the butcher, but robbers get there first and steal the donkey along with the butcher's goods. The robbers escape to the sea, and Abdullah and Massoud stage one last rescue attempt with all of their friends to try to save Bim.