回复 :在东北地带,性侵案件频发,却始终抓不到罪犯,甚至没人能看清罪犯真容。公安队长李占山(班赞 饰)对刑侦知识没有太多认识,徒有一腔破案热情,对恶行深恶痛疾。当他遇见劳改下放的中医老教授蔡滨(李滨 饰),并与她成为破案搭档,大老粗搭档知识分子,英雄遭遇书生,彼此就成为了对方最大的问题,新鲜组合妙趣横生。在土方法和科学推理不断碰撞不断磨合下,诸多证据逐一浮现,来无影去无踪的罪犯也渐渐清晰。灵感启发自真实事件,抓流氓抓出一段旧时代人情义理之故事。情节曲折丌过丐道颠沛,巧合中洞见丐事之必然不偶然。让人笑也让人叹。
回复 :"Do you want to do it...?"The fatal seduction of...the "Challenge Game"Florist Ae-ran (Vicky) and forensics investigator Min-ho (Choi Ryeong) from the Public Prosecutor's Office both have a family that everyone wants. However, Min-ho can't handle bed time so Ae-ran starts a 'challenge game' in which she seduces and has sex with strange men. One day, Ae-ran and Min-ho meet Alex (Choi Hyeon-ho) at a tango cafe. Alex is interested in Ae-ran and approaches her while Ae-ran takes interest in Alex who is more handsome than her husband. Min-ho later witnesses them in action and gets angry when he finds out the man Ae-ran seduced is Alex. Min-ho feels nervous because he finds out Alex isn't just a game partner and approached him for a reason. Min-ho tries to get rid of Alex but Alex chokes Ae-ran and Min-ho even more and feels catharsis. The game they started is turning into a catastrophe...
回复 :Bernhard, the father of Julian, Dick and Anne organized an exhibition to Egypt. Here, discover the friends after an attempted burglary an old gold amulet. So they fly with Elena, a colleague of his father, to Cairo. In Cairo Julian's father falls into a trap and is then accused of theft. Until the trial, he goes to jail. The five are trying to prove innocence Bernard and take Auni, a young pickpocket to help. This raises the question of whether they can liberate Bernhard.