老夫老妻When a woman is attacked in her short term rental, the company's Clean-Up Team steps in to help her pick up the pieces. But she soon finds that they might not be who they say they are.
老夫老妻When a woman is attacked in her short term rental, the company's Clean-Up Team steps in to help her pick up the pieces. But she soon finds that they might not be who they say they are.
回复 :Ivy, a struggling singer in New Orleans trapped in the hidden underworld of her eating disorder, must face her addiction - or risk becoming a monster.
回复 :恶毒的不动产从业者吴某因为再开发事业而急匆匆地在山路上驾驶,中途遭遇事故,被山中一偏僻住所的张某所救,张某一家的亲切和善背后似乎藏着什么不为人知的秘密,当吴某得知自己过去的恶行与张某一家的关系时,生命受到威胁…
回复 :某艺术院校学生小武(翟文斌 饰)、慕凡(王一 饰)、柳丝丝(何杜鹃 饰)、凌菲儿(柴碧云 饰)驱车来到位于郊外,租住了当地的四合院。这是一座古色古香但是颇为阴森的老宅,周围的住户似乎对此也多有忌惮,欲言又止。夜深人静,四合院突然断电。四个青年男女无聊至极,决定玩传说中的禁忌游戏笔仙。但是无所畏惧懵懂无知的小武竟然问起了笔仙的死因,之后也未将笔仙送走。在此之后,诡异的事情接连发生,半夜从远处传来的戏曲念白,挂满死猫的树,柳丝丝深更半夜的恐怖举止……如是种种,无一不在搅扰着年轻人们的神经。恐怖的究竟是这个院落还是毫无形状的笔仙,抑或是……