回复 :故事发生在明朝末年,东厂督公魏忠贤(李立群 饰)手握天下大权意欲称王,御林军总教头周淮安(马景涛 饰)和侠女邱莫言(陈红 饰)同信王朱由检(郭晋安 饰)结盟,里应外合想要推翻魏忠贤的暴政。得知了他们的计划,魏忠贤派出刺客想要出掉朱由检,无奈之下,朱由检踏上逃亡旅途,并和另外两人相约相见于龙门客栈,从长计议。周淮安一行人抵达龙门客栈,哪知道刚出虎口,便落入了狼窝。客栈掌柜金湘玉(夏文汐 饰)亦正亦邪令人捉摸不透,将周淮安等人玩弄于鼓掌之间毫不费劲。随着时间的推移,金湘玉爱上了侠肝义胆的周淮安,而周淮安和门当户对的邱莫言之间的感情亦日渐升温,与此同时,朱由检大盗了魏忠贤登上王位,却渐渐将矛头指向了曾经一同打天下的周淮安。
回复 : 讲述所有你想要的小狗,以及孩子会喜欢的所有冒险。
回复 :Joanna Scanlan (The Thick of It, Getting On), Elaine Cassidy (The Paradise, Harper's Island) and Alexandra Roach (The Iron Lady, Utopia) lead the unorthodox crack team of cops at the heart of Paul Abbott's NO OFFENCE, an outrageous new police procedural series from the writer of Shameless and State of Play. Will Mellor (Dates, Broadchurch), Paul Ritter (Friday Night Dinner, The Game) and Colin Salmon (Arrow, 24: Live Another Day), join them in the mix of tough but big-hearted bobbies who go above and beyond to bring down the criminal rabble in a crumbling cop-shop.