回复 :孙悟空大闹天宫被压五指山后,天蓬元帅领命下界击杀孙悟空以绝后患。在人间的天蓬巧遇捉妖师宝儿与她的捉妖团,几人一行上路寻找五指山,过程一波三折,天蓬大起大落,历尽劫难后悟得大爱,终成长为大天蓬。
回复 :Dr. Tsu is a brilliant surgeon with her own exotic island off the coast of Manila. Using her sexy, all-girl army of martial-arts experts, Tsu kidnaps some of the world's greatest athletes. She is able to transplant any body part, so she uses the athletes for spare parts to sell to the world's richest men. Mike Harber is a womanizing, wise-cracking insurance investigator for Lloyd's of London sent to Manila to investigate the disappearance of a jai-alai player, and becomes involved with Dr. Tsu's mad mission.
回复 :一名獲邀至友人家作客的男子,不小心撞見朋友的女兒正在換衣服,年輕女孩豐滿的胸部與上翹的蜜桃臀,令男子瞬間失去了理智……。