回复 :星宇保全接手了一次特殊的保护任务,保护对象竟然是岛上56只猴。立夏在任务中与失散多年的师姐韩英重逢,却不知这场重逢给她带来了人生深刻的一场信任危机。
回复 :公元618年8月。长安 城四所大牢牢门被打开。李 世民身为尚书令,带领弟兄 抓了一夜死囚。李建成和李 元吉与贺若兰现身,二人勾 搭岭南贺氏,想要除掉李世 民,李御风出现救了李世 民。这一切都是李世民的策 动天谴迷案。
回复 :Based on the 13th Century Borneo sacrificial rituals, “Curse of the Totem” tells the story of Dr. Sani who goes in search of his wife, who disappeared on a genealogy expedition to study the ancient mythical legend of Jerunei ‘Burial Poles of the indigenous Melanau tribe in Borneo.Burial poles mark burial still exist today as gravestones, marking the loss of other human lives that were sacrificed on behalf of prosperous nobility. Human sacrifice was outlawed in Sarawak Province in the 18th Century.Combing through the Borneo jungle for answers, each member of Dr. Sani’s team experiences inexplicable hallucinations, malicious disturbances and eventually are haunted by unexplained spirits of the dead. Things take a turn for the worse when one of them is completely possessed by evil forces.