回复 :A young boy becomes trapped inside America's rigid immigration process. Feature adaptation of the 2016 short film, 'Icebox'.
回复 :师兄李昆在京剧演出中打起了广告。师弟侯广智觉得李昆侮辱了戏台,两人话不投机分道扬镳。五年后李昆靠演孙大圣走穴发家。侯广智则成了剧团的孙大圣专业户。 李昆联系到一笔生意但却需要侯广智的帮助。侯广智答应李昆来见客户—马老板。马老板最近迷上了一个网红,并准备为她排一部《真假美猴王三打白骨精》。因为这违反了京剧传统,侯广智愤然拒绝。李昆偷了祖师爷的戏服签了合同,愤怒的侯广智与李昆再次决裂。但当侯广智看到徒弟们竭力招揽顾客时他终于同意演出。 试演当天侯广智潇洒上台,李昆内心对京剧的热忱被侯广智唤醒,他配合着侯广智说出了原汁原味的戏词。两人合演了一版传统的《真假美猴王》,这一刻所有人都感受到了京剧的魅力。
回复 :As told to a psychiatrist: Mr. Peabody, middle-aged Bostonian on vacation with his wife in the Caribbean, hears mysterious, wordless singing on an uninhabited rock in the bay. Fishing in the vicinity, he catches...a mermaid. He takes her home and, though she has no spoken language, falls in love with her. Of course, his wife won't believe that thing in the bathtub is anything but a large fish. Predictable complications follow in rather tame fashion.