顾少The host of an investigative news show is convinced by the CIA that the friends he has invited to a weekend in the country are engaged in a conspiracy that threatens national security in this adaptation of the Robert Ludlum novel.
顾少The host of an investigative news show is convinced by the CIA that the friends he has invited to a weekend in the country are engaged in a conspiracy that threatens national security in this adaptation of the Robert Ludlum novel.
回复 :这部电影是根据张光胜、屈德骞创作的十集电视剧《邱少云》文学剧本改编的,是一部具有人物传记品格,充满戏剧冲突和视觉感染力的现实主义战争故事片。它着力表现了邱少云——一个影响了几代人的惊世英雄的光辉形象.
回复 :武林中有一把神剑名为“玄天剑”,得此剑者得天下,江湖之中各门各派为了它一直纷争不断。直到名剑门掌门马啸天重创鬼谷派闫婆夺得此剑,一切尘埃落定。马啸天想把掌门之位传给他的徒弟鹿九,并将玄天剑交给他。不料马啸天却突然被杀,玄天剑也不翼而飞,鹿久被当成了凶手,这一切的背后隐藏着巨大的阴谋...鹿九怎样才能洗清嫌疑,为师父报仇雪恨?幕后黑手究竟是谁?
回复 :2011最新欧美动作大片《十字追杀令》续作。凯伦携其战斗团队归来,去对抗强大而邪恶的冈纳。在迷人的洛杉矶城下,他的生命轨迹再一次与警探Frank Nitti互相交织。