春暖Follow a mad Chilean scientist's deadly virus escape the lab on contaminated currency worldwide: a thief steals contaminated notes in Italy; a Kosovo patient is infected in extreme surgeries; a German father is desperate to save his son.
春暖Follow a mad Chilean scientist's deadly virus escape the lab on contaminated currency worldwide: a thief steals contaminated notes in Italy; a Kosovo patient is infected in extreme surgeries; a German father is desperate to save his son.
回复 :The remarkable story of how a group of inspired mavericks made an unlikely marriage of hip-hop and history the biggest musical show in America...and are getting ready to conquer the world.
回复 :陷入轮回地狱中的男人,不得不一遍遍面对自己亲手杀死妻子的事实,如何才能跳出这个噩梦般的循环?加拿大新锐导演梅林·德维塞维克四年磨一剑,推出的此部剧情长片处女作乍一看充满了各种即视感,跳跃循环不断改变过去的桥段媲美《蝴蝶效应》、《恐怖游轮》等经典作品,然而精心打磨的剧本使得影片层次异常丰富,在复杂的结构之外更有政治隐喻和宗教意味。影片在金马奇幻影展上展映时大获好评,如同西西弗斯一般在轮回中得到救赎的故事,让观众走出影院仍玩味不已。
回复 :林嫣嫣被困游戏,闺蜜雨桐与超男试图搭救林嫣嫣,却造成三人同时被困的尴尬局面;林嫣嫣必须要在时限内当上皇后才能逃出游戏,更糟糕的是,皇帝祁钰长了一张跟林嫣嫣现实中的死对头齐钰一样的脸!面对皇帝时的心理障碍,还有三人不定时切换的社死日常,林嫣嫣游戏之路困难重重。