回复 :影片讲述了辛媛(付枚饰)在闺房中发生的转折离奇故事,以及她与佟杉(张一山饰)之间的一段甜蜜但悬疑的爱情。
回复 :英国军情六处的前特工雷(克里夫•欧文 饰)转行做了商业间谍。在酒会上,他邂逅了曾在美国中情局工作的特工克莱尔(茱莉亚•罗伯茨 饰)。不过,克莱尔却装作不认识,这勾起了他的好奇。终于,雷依靠软磨硬泡,拉克莱尔去开房。没想到,却被对方下药迷倒,还偷走了他的重要文件。原来,此时的克莱尔已经做了竞争对手公司的间谍。这令如梦初醒的雷非常愤怒。在一次接头任务中,雷再次见到克莱尔的身影,于是不顾命令,拦住了她,结果他意外发现她恰恰就是接头人。虽然因为他的鲁莽,这场碰头不欢而散,但是这两人的纠缠却并未结束,因为他们先后卷入了两家竞争公司的明争暗斗之中,为了窃取商业情报,两人大打出手,互相斗法,并在其中擦出了爱情的火花……
回复 :On holiday in Yalta, Muscovite banker Dimitri Gurov contrives to meet a young woman who walks her dog. She's Anna Sergeyovna, trapped in a loveless marriage to a lackey. He's unhappy in an arranged marriage. With neither spouse at hand, Dimitri and Anna begin an affair. After a short time, she returns to Saratov, he to Moscow, believing it's good-by forever. All winter he is miserable, enervated, distracted by tristesse. In desperation, he contrives to go to Saratov, surprising her at a concert. Fearing discovery in her home town, she promises to come to Moscow. Will they cast aside reputation to live together, or will theirs be an affair of infrequent encounters in hotel rooms? Written by {jhailey@hotmail.com}