回复 :这个警示性的故事献给民主危机时代,本片融合了个人视角和政治题材,探索了巴西历史上最戏剧性的时期之一。 片中既有对前任和现任领导者前所未有的近距离访问,包括迪尔玛·罗塞夫和卢拉·达席尔瓦总统;也有导演自家复杂的政治和商业过往,电影制作人佩特拉·科斯塔(《伊莲娜》)带观众见证了他们的起起落落,以及所留下的这个极度两极分化的国家。
回复 :一个女人在电话中得知,相爱五年的情人将于第二天与另一个女人结婚,于是她陷入了极度抑郁。
回复 :January 2019. Filmmaker Karim Aïnouz decides to take a boat, cross the Mediterranean and embark on his first journey to Algeria. Accompanied by the memory of his mother, Iracema, and his camera, Aïnouz gives us a detailed account of the journey to his father's homeland; from the sea crossing to his arrival in the Atlas Mountains in Kabylia - a mountainous region in northern Algeria - to his return. Interweaving present, past and future.