大桥A lawyer turned private investigator takes on a missing person case, propelling him on an unexpected and life-altering quest.
大桥A lawyer turned private investigator takes on a missing person case, propelling him on an unexpected and life-altering quest.
回复 :香港某大型医院,外科主任医师佟倩(赵薇 饰)刚刚完成例行巡视。接二连三的手术让她的神经高度紧张,加上有的患者术后情况并不理想,无形间使她的精神承受了巨大的压力。就在此时,一名遭受枪伤的男子被紧急送到医院。对方名叫张礼信(钟汉良 饰),是一个胆大包天且狡诈非常的高智商罪犯。虽然头部中枪,但幸运的是并未给他造成巨大的创伤。从昏迷中醒来的张拒绝手术,仿佛正耐心等待时机。监视并开枪射伤他的警官陈伟乐(古天乐 饰)高度紧张,他急于知道对方同伙的下落,为此不惜采用非法手段。医患如织的医院内,短短六个小时里,警察、医生和悍匪三方展开了艰苦卓绝的角力……
回复 :无良地产商父子徐大富(沈腾 饰)和徐天宇(岳云鹏 饰)一心想争夺豪华CBD中一幢破旧居民楼“萌贵坊”的产权,但萌贵坊内仍存四户怪咖不愿搬出—神医王保健(张译 饰)和他的儿子鸡丁(李亦航 饰)、民间发明家夫妇李菊花(Papi 饰)和金三(潘斌龙 饰)、网红主播阿萍(焦俊艳 饰)以及 过气古惑仔阿仁(方中信 饰)和阿明(吴镇宇 饰)。某个月黑风高的夜晚,怪事接连发生,僵尸,丧尸,吸血男爵,红衣女鬼接踵而至,陷入恐慌的“留守怪咖”请来江湖上人称“万能大师”的铃姐(吴君如 饰)帮他们化解危难,没想到铃姐却带来了更大的麻烦……
回复 :Posing as a foppish coward, Diego, a Spanish nobleman, fights injustice in colonial California. Upon his return from Spain, Diego realizes that Captain Pasquale is terrorizing the district and levying unreasonable taxes. Disguised as Zorro - a masked Robin Hood-like swashbuckler - the young Spaniard menaces the local authorities to the delight of all the peasants. In the meantime, posing as the inept fop, he is able to move through society without being suspected.