回复 :长相帅气成绩优异的扎克(小弗雷迪·普林兹 Freddie Prinze Jr. 饰)是学校里众人羡慕的对象,可即便是他,也有着说不出的烦恼和困惑。女友泰勒(乔迪·琳·欧基菲 Jodi Lyn O'Keefe 饰)竟然向处处都不如自己的布洛克(马修·里沃德 Matthew Lillard 饰)暗送秋波,这让扎克无法接受。为了争回一口气,扎克放出了狠话,声称自己可以将任何女孩调教得风情万种,没想到,当他要调教的女孩兰妮(瑞切尔·蕾·库克 Rachael Leigh Cook 饰)出现在眼前时,扎克却傻了眼。兰妮是个声名远扬的怪胎,她不仅打扮老土,脑子里更是装了一堆乱七八糟的怪点子,要将这样的女孩在短时间内变成一个万人迷,扎克面临着极大的挑战。
回复 :Three women in a small village conceal dark secrets, including unholy alliances and a mysterious ingredient used in a popular curry restaurant.
回复 :Nerve-tingling story revolving around an old house which has lain empty for 20 years, guarding the secrets of unsolved mysteries and murders committed within its silent walls. But now the house is alive again... the evil has returned from beyond the grave... and this time it has brought one of its toys...