回复 :高裘(张朋饰)、子尧(王啸坤饰)、笑笑(李茂饰)、大金(邓宁饰)、温沐(原雨饰)5个人都是心怀梦想的年轻人,想要在娱乐圈打拼出一番天地。他们相识后住在一间出租屋内,苦中作乐,组成一个乐队,充斥着青春与友谊的美好。后来面对名利,高裘周旋于娱乐圈各种规则之间,现实生活和不同 轨迹让他们5人矛盾愈多,最终彻底爆发。时光飞逝,如今几人能否重归那时的青春美好……
回复 :Jo Yang, a celebrity radio guest, receives a phone call while on air and sets in motion a series of events that threaten her life and her family. Forced to choose between saving a prostitute or a loan-shark, her choice is confronted by public outcry. This film is loosely inspired by real-life events in Singapore, and explores how it is more choice rather than chance that shapes our lives.
回复 :两名不合拍的警察十年后被迫再次搭档,来到一座四分五裂的法国小镇调查一起谋杀案。在那里,更大的阴谋浮出水面。