回复 :十九世纪六十年代的布拉格:巴尔丁是个受欢迎的英俊学生,他是镇上最厉害的击剑手。他和他的朋友达尔,都喜欢店主的侄女莉迪亚。当学生们帮莉迪亚庆生时,歌剧明星茱莉亚来到了旅店。巴尔丁平静的生活开始发生变化。他迷恋上茱莉亚,但茱莉亚已经有了一位仰慕者,就是富有的花花公子沃迪思男爵。一个穷学生要怎样与之竞争?这时,神秘的卡皮斯医生出现了,他似乎与茱莉亚有千丝万缕的联系,而且深深的嫉妒着沃迪思男爵。卡皮斯医生为巴尔丁指引了一条道路,却要巴尔丁付出的超乎想象的代价,他的风险他的理智他的生命,甚至是他的灵魂……(豆瓣电影字幕翻译2.0小组)
回复 :his is a story of a youth culture that changed a generation and influenced songwriters, producers, DJs and designers for decades to come.This is the story of Northern Soul.Award-winning director Elaine Constantine has recently completed filming her first feature-length film Northern Soul, with an intended cinematic release in Spring / Summer 2013.The film tells the tale of two Northern boys whose worlds are changed forever when they discover black American soul music.Northern Soul was phenomenally popular with British youths in the 1970s, taking the North of the country by storm. Northern Soul the film intends to appeal to those generations of fans while attracting a modern audience who can relate to youth culture from another era. If you were there, you’ll know. If you weren’t there, you’ll wish you had been.
回复 :本片改编自家喻户晓的“狸猫换太子”故事,包公夜审郭槐,情节一波三折、峰回路转。编剧张彻及高立在民间传奇中,加入宫闱权谋争斗,江湖侠义情怀,其素材之丰富叫人叹为观止。故事讲述包公出巡,一阵怪风吹走乌纱帽,入村发现一盲女奉上金丸,才知是李妃含冤被逐。当年她被刘妃和郭槐以狸猫换太子,贬入冷宫,后借火灾诈死逃亡。包公知郭槐和刘妃在宫中势大,用妙计诱郭槐到开封,暗将牢狱扮成阴曹地府,诱得郭槐认罪,李妃沉冤最终得雪。电影可说是中国民间的一部诉讼史,折射出古代的为宫之道和江湖智谋。