在京都,中文字幕声音总是构成古都风情的重要元素,中文字幕有流水、虫鸣、竹响这些自然之声,有西阵的织布声、祗园的歌舞声、祭典的鼓乐声、僧人的诵经声这些流传千年的传统之音,还有低头合十的祈福、酿酒人的酒歌、儿童叫卖的吆喝、柴薪燃烧的毕剥这些京都人日常的生活之声。本系列并无旁白,只需你静静 地聆听这些流淌千年的声音,感受古都的风韵。
在京都,中文字幕声音总是构成古都风情的重要元素,中文字幕有流水、虫鸣、竹响这些自然之声,有西阵的织布声、祗园的歌舞声、祭典的鼓乐声、僧人的诵经声这些流传千年的传统之音,还有低头合十的祈福、酿酒人的酒歌、儿童叫卖的吆喝、柴薪燃烧的毕剥这些京都人日常的生活之声。本系列并无旁白,只需你静静 地聆听这些流淌千年的声音,感受古都的风韵。
回复 :故事根据金容基的网络漫画《惊悚考试院》改编,以考试院为背景,描述从乡村来到首尔生活的一位少年发生的一连串奇怪的事件,而且身旁的每个人也都怪怪的……
回复 :双面人生引发冤家错位,鬼马爱恋新奇探案!该剧讲述了生在太医世家的沈鱼欲为家族洗冤翻案,设局嫁入周府,后结识了齐璋、高墨两位胸怀大志的少年,四人联手探案,在一步步接近真相中卷起朝堂风云,也陷入情感纠葛的故事。
回复 :The story concerns the Waterbury family who move to "Three Chimneys", a house near the railway after the father, who works at the Foreign office, is imprisoned as a result of being falsely accused of selling state secrets to the Russians. The three children, Roberta (Bobbie), Peter and Phyllis, find amusement in watching the trains on the nearby railway line and waving to the passengers. They become friendly with Albert Perks, the station porter, and with the Old Gentleman who regularly takes the 9:15 down train. He is eventually able to help prove their father's innocence, and the family is reunited.The family also take care of the Russian exile, Mr Szczepansky,who came to England looking for his family (later located) and Jim, the grandson of the Old Gentleman,who suffers a broken leg in a tunnel.