回复 :久木祥一郎(役所广司饰)是一家出版社的高级编辑,妻子久木文枝(星野知子饰)做设计陶制品,已成年的女儿在医院工作,很少回家。祥一朗感到家庭生活乏味,夫妻间总是客客气气。祥一郎有个情人,业余书法教师松原凛子(黑木瞳饰)。凛子气质高雅,是个聪慧女子。可惜嫁了个毫无情趣的医生丈夫松原晴彦。他冷冰冰的,导致二人婚姻空虚。一次他坚决地告诉凛子决不会和她离婚,他掌握有妻子偷情的证据,并揭发了事情。另一边文枝却默默承受,最终也只能离婚。冬季到来,祥一郎和凛子怎么才能永远的和对方长相厮守呢?
回复 :On a hot summer afternoon in New York, Emma Jones gossips with other neighbors in her residential building about the affair that Mrs. Anna Maurrant and the milkman Steve Sankey are having. When the rude and unfriendly Mr. Frank Maurrant arrives, they change the subject. Meanwhile, their teenage daughter Rose Maurrant is being sexually pressured by her married boss Mr. Bert Easter. She does however very much like her kind young Jewish neighbor Sam, who has a serious crush on her.The next morning, Frank Maurrant tells his wife that he is traveling to Stamford on business. Mrs. Maurrant meets the gentle Sankey in her apartment, but out of the blue Frank comes back home. He realizes his wife is upstairs with Sankey, and runs upstairs. We hear shots and see the two men struggling as Sankey tries to escape through the window. Maurrant runs out with a gun. He has killed Sankey and fatally wounded his wife.Maurrant is apprehended and is led away by police. He apologizes to his daughter Rose, who will now have to take care of herself and her young brother without either parent. Rose's boss offers once again to set her up in her own apartment, but she refuses. Then she sees Sam, and tells him she wants to leave the city. Sam pleads with her to let him go with her, but she tells him it will be better for the two of them to have a couple of years apart before they consider becoming a couple. Rose walks off down the street by herself.
回复 :比诺什在片中饰演50岁的离异教师克莱尔,她为了监视自己的情人乔,在Facebook上虚构了一个24岁漂亮黑发女生的人物身份。但是乔只接受自己认识的人的好友请求。为了能接近乔,克莱尔给他最好的朋友克里斯发了好友请求,克里斯接受了。不曾想,经过一段时间的聊天,克莱尔爱上了克里斯,克里斯也爱上了这个虚构出来的女生,他提出想见一面的要求。于是克莱尔不得不编出了一份繁忙的工作,一次长时间的出差旅行,还有一个嫉妒心很强的前任。她要么只能继续编造各种谎言来维持这份没有未来的爱情,要么就得承认自己的欺骗并做好失去爱情的准备……