  时间:2024-11-21 22:19:13





回复 :On an ocean voyage, a librarian falls for a married man. After librarian Lulu Smith is accused by her patrons of having Spring fever, she spends her life savings on a cruise to Havana, during which she begins a romance with Bob Grover, a lawyer with political ambitions. After their return, Lulu becomes a clerical assistant for a newspaper, where she is pursued by brash reporter Al Holland. One night, several months into their affair, Bob comes to Lulu's apartment for dinner, bringing two Halloween masks with which they have a marvelous time playing. Their merriment is interrupted by a call from Al, whose proposal to Lulu prompts Bob to confess that he has an invalid wife whom he cannot leave. Lulu protests that she wishes to continue their affair, but Bob refuses to let her waste her life on him. They squabble, and Lulu throws him out without telling him she is pregnant. Time passes and Bob becomes district attorney, while Al becomes city editor of the newspaper. After Bob hires a detective, Marty, to find Lulu, the couple are reunited and Lulu introduces Bob to his daughter Roberta. Later, Lulu and Roberta are waiting to meet Bob, when Al suddenly appears. He is questioning her about Roberta when Bob arrives, and, in order to protect Bob's reputation, Lulu tells Al that the baby is Bob's adopted daughter and that she is her governess. In order to preserve the charade, Bob does adopt Roberta, taking her home the next day to present to his wife Helen, who is returning from a European rest cure. Helen is delighted with the child but questions Lulu's ability to care for her. Lulu runs out of the house, and when Bob follows her, she tries to tell him she is through with him but cannot. Soon after, Lulu goes to Al for a job and becomes the "advice to the lovelorn" columnist for his paper. Al pumps her for information about Bob and Roberta in order to write a story causing Bob's downfall, but Lulu refuses to say anything. As the years pass, Lulu still works for the paper, and Al, now the managing editor, is still pursuing her. Bob has been both a mayor and a congressman, but on the night he wins the nomination for governor, he becomes disheartened, ashamed of the hypocrisy of his double life. Lulu tries to talk him out of confessing the truth and ruining his career, but when it seems that she cannot succeed, she asks Al to marry her, hoping that will make Bob forget about her. On the night of Bob's election, however, Al tells her that he knows all about her, Bob and Roberta, and Lulu kills him to prevent him from publishing the story. A year later, Bob is on his deathbed, and Lulu, whom he had pardoned after a short jail term, comes to visit him. He shows her his new will, which tells the truth and leaves her half of his estate, but after he dies, she tears it up to protect him and Roberta, who is engaged to a socially prominent young man.



回复 :20世纪30年代,抗日战争爆发,中华民族到了生死存亡的危机时刻。出身军阀家庭的孟云霄(王新军 饰)此前曾在慕尼黑军校接受了最为严苛的训练和磨砺,中日开战的消息将其带回祖国,谁知所乘的飞机却被日军击中,迫降在国、共、日、匪多方势力犬牙交错、凶险非常的凤凰山。在此期间遭遇了杀人如麻的蛇蝎美女匪头火凤凰(李彩桦 饰)以及多才多艺善良美丽的八路军文工团长李淑蔚(秦海璐 饰)。几经波澜,孟云霄加入匪帮,平定四方的土匪势力,更与八路军以武会友,把酒言欢。在此之后,李淑蔚被孟云霄用十挺机枪换上山,割据一方的土匪势力却在儿女情长、民族大义的感召下成长为一支抵抗外敌入侵的生力军。凤凰山抗日独立纵队的传奇,就在孟云霄的领导下书写流传……



回复 :律师笕史朗(西岛秀俊 饰)和美容师矢吹贤二(内野圣阳 饰)是一对住在市区某栋公寓的同 志情侣。既然生小孩无望,为了攒存养老基金,笕律师豁出去了。左扣男友的零用钱,右向老家伸手讨罐头,还要将每个月的餐费控制在二万五千日币以下。吃得好还不够,吃得省才厉害,且看笕律师如何大展身手。



东山晴后雪> 我的挚爱未婚妻> 少年叶问之危机时刻> 朝圣1933> 我的事说来话长> 只羡鸳鸯不羡仙(婚后侯爷宠妻无度)> 9413> 模仿游戏> 寅次郎的故事19:寅次郎与贵族> 圣斗士星矢:十二宫骑士>