回复 :Zach's life is upended when performance anxiety in bed leads to a life-shattering accusation his girlfriend says she thinks he's gay, and Zach wonders if she's right.
回复 :米娜(景珂饰)是一家拳击俱乐部的陪练,一天,正在陪练的米娜突然被拳手打晕在台上,米娜被送往医院救治查出患有尿毒症,需要寻找肾源为米娜治病,罗汉(连晋饰)主动提出进行血型配比,配比成功肾源可以移植,罗汉明确了自己正是米娜亲生父亲的身份,因为罗汉体重高达196斤,这样不健康的肾脏是不能移植给米娜的,必须要尽快减肥才能够让米娜摆脱痛苦,于是,罗汉每天风雨无阻开始暴走街头,他用惊人的毅力在三个月内减肥60多斤。肾脏移植成功,但罗汉成为了短期植物人。两年一度的女子拳击比赛开始,米娜报名参加,她最终击败了所有的拳手,最后拿起奖杯的时候,在台下的罗汉含着眼泪站了起来。
回复 :Angela thinks that she has an ideal life. She lives in Nice, in a beautiful apartment, with a handsome husband and a charming teenage daughter. But on Christmas Eve, her daughter leaves her to get together with her boyfriend, her husband dumps her and her best gal pal prefers to take sleeping pills than spend the evening with Angela. It comes as a total shock. Angela has no other choice than to take a thorough look at herself and to piece herself together... which isn't easy with her tyrannical mother, an hysterical gal pal, and a psychiatrist who employs experimental methods.