精灵A drug addict awakens to find the girl he is with is dead, and must rush to escape the consequences. A real-time thriller presented in a single, unbroken take.
精灵A drug addict awakens to find the girl he is with is dead, and must rush to escape the consequences. A real-time thriller presented in a single, unbroken take.
回复 :《犬爱》致那些不曾被发现的爱。男主人公陈如风家境殷实,却因着父母终日的忙碌而缺失“陪伴”,从小感受不到家庭的温暖和父母的爱。内心空虚、混沌的他,决定去寻找他心中盼望的那份“爱”。而被主人驱逐门外的流浪狗“小家伙”,在独自流浪中遇到了陈如风。在给予小家伙关爱和保护的过程中,陈如风却感受到了“爱”的温度 。他该如何踏上回家的路?什么是犬爱,他又是否寻找到了心中盼望的那份爱?
回复 :Tae-gyu and Ji-hye get married. Two young lovers dreamed of the ideal married life which each had respect for each other. But honeymoon is soon over as each comes to realize that the other isn't quite what they thought. The liberal woman would like to talk of sex with frankness and ease. The conservative man can't get rid of his traditional sense of superiority. They end up hurting each other and decide to get a (limited) divorce. Once apart, they each begin to feel empty without the other, and realized they need to make an effort to understand each other.
回复 :二十九岁的打工男功不成名不就,因贸然参加试药,意外变成鱼头人身的变种人。梦想成为报导真相、揭发不义的社会新鲜人,被指派调查鱼男的真伪,意外掀起一波震惊全国的社会骚动。年轻人失业率逐年高涨,对社会感到绝望却也无能为力,鱼男的出现成为新世代的精神寄託。但在大企业与媒体操作下,舆论风向球再次翻转⋯⋯。导演权五光大胆剖开当代社会的丑陋面向,讽刺媒体造神与妖魔化怪象,仔细探究民众闻鸡起舞的分化对立,以荒诞寓言包装人性的残酷冷血。《鱼男悲歌》如同照妖镜一般,映出现今乱象当道的畸形社会,以无畏的眼光捕捉资本主义的变形记。以知名韩国综艺节目〈Running Man〉走红的李光洙首次担纲主角,精彩诠释面临困境的茫然世代。