回复 :A 70th anniversary television event, Singapore 1942- End of Empire tells the story of those early shocking days of the Pacific War when belief in security and comfort from empire collapsed. For the first time this momentous 20th century battle, and its equally dramatic aftermath, will be told from a multi-national perspective, revealing new and challenging insights into a battle that turned our world upside down. Whilst the Japanese victory confirmed how useless it was for Australians to rely on Britain for their defence, post-war Australians looked to another great protective power - the United States - to align itself with. And Asian nations would rapidly determine their own destiny and seek a tumultuous independence.
回复 :丸尾荣一郎(村田太志 配音)从小到大都顶着优等生的头衔,学校里五花八门的课业,没有一项是他得不了优等的。可是,即便是这样优秀的荣一郎,也有着弱点,长期坐在桌前学习,导致他的运动量严重不足。为了弥补这一缺憾,荣一郎决定去打网球,就此进入了名为STC的网球俱乐部。从刚开始的抗拒到渐渐沉迷,领悟到了网球这一运动独特魅力的荣一郎决定成为一名职业的网球运动员。大大咧咧活泼可爱的鹰崎奈津(寿美菜子 配音)、实力强大技术一流的江川逞(浪川大辅 配音)、立志成为教练的深泽喻吉(下野紘 配音)、天才儿童田岛勇树(优希 配音),在这些志同道合的伙伴们的陪伴下,荣一郎离自己的理想越来越近。
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