回复 :因车祸不幸丧生的导盲犬心愿未了,无法进入天堂。在神的帮助下,它借助一个男人(丰川悦司 饰)的身体返回人间,寻找自幼犬时便爱慕的女孩(井川遥 饰)。如今这个女孩已成为幼儿园的老师,男人几经探寻,终于和她邂逅,经过一段时间相处,导盲犬竟与当年的小主人共坠爱河。然而,他们的交往引起了女孩男朋友东海小次郎(泉谷しげる 饰)的嫉妒,而另一方面,导盲犬所借助的身体则来自于一个警方正在通缉的金融在逃犯。这段奇异的恋情最终将如何结束?本片荣获2002年亚太电影节最佳音乐奖。
回复 :A group of girls get lost on a random dirt road. The tow truck driver toes them to his junkyard. Everything seems normal until they wake up with weapons for limbs, and thrown into the fight of their lives.
回复 :An experimental drug that is supposed to reduce aggression has the opposite effect on a baboon that is being experimented on by a group of medical students and their professor. While they are playing a fantasy role-playing game in their research facility, the baboon escapes and begins hunting them down.