回复 :Adult brothers Mark and Colin Pollock still live with their parents Frank and Mavis Pollock in a small apartment in the projects of London's east end in what is a collective depressed and unhappy existence. The three men of the household are all on the dole, each doing little to find gainful employment. Between the brothers, Mark is the smart aleck, who calls his parents by their given names to irk them, and who hangs out with a bunch of hooligans as he refers to himself and his friends, such as a skinhead named Coxy. Although never medically diagnosed as such, Colin is seemingly emotionally slow. Colin likes to hang out with Mark and his friends in his want to be accepted, especially as Mark tells him that a neighborhood girl named Hayley is interested him. The family rarely socializes with Mavis' sister and brother-in-law, Barbara and John, who live a middle to upper middle class and seemingly perfect existence in the suburbs of Chigwell. Although not telling them to their face, John dislikes his relations by marriage, believing especially Mark to be brash and trashy. A unilateral act by Barbara leads to many issues within the extended family coming to the surface, most specifically the true happiness of the marriage between Barbara and John, and what Colin is truly looking for to be happy in life.
回复 :屠宰厂司机兰德执念找寻失踪多年的“妻子”阿琳,不惜悬赏重金。护林警察和单亲妈妈尚飞是兰德的租客,帮助兰德寻妻无果,劝兰德放弃执念。而小混混阿哲因女友丽丽和阿琳容貌相似,意图设计欺骗兰德换取悬赏金还清赌债。兰德为筹措赏金,跟随屠宰场老板老尤误入盗猎团伙,遇到盗猎惯犯老八等暴徒,经历盗猎生死局,与虎对峙,最终放弃执念,对抗盗猎分子,完成小人物英雄式成长,最终暴徒也被尚飞一举擒获。
回复 :患有癌症晚期的诗人亚历山大(Bruno Ganz)在进医院等待死亡的前一天,想将一直陪伴其左右的狗交托自己的亲生女儿,遭到对方拒绝。女儿对自己处境的不了解,以及女婿打算将自己的祖屋卖掉,令亚历山大神伤不已黯然离开。在亚历山大孤独地面对自己生命的最后一天时,太太安娜在世时的诸多生活片段、探望独自生活在疗养院中的年迈衰弱母亲的情形、花费大半生心血研究的19世纪诗人所罗穆斯等,一一以或真实或梦幻的形态与他会面,来助他解除对“明天会持续多久”的困惑。