回复 :露皮塔·尼永奥、乔什·加德或将加盟僵尸题材恐怖喜剧[小怪兽](Little Monsters,暂译),与亚历山大·英格兰([异形:契约])上演对手戏。故事讲述一位不得志的音乐家,对侄子的幼儿园老师产生好感,自愿担任起陪护老师,护送他们参加儿童音乐节。而音乐节主办人也对老师展开爱情攻势,正当三人关系陷入窘境,僵尸来了!
回复 :Perú: tesoro escondido is a documentary genre film about the secrets of Perú. The millinery culture of their ancestors, the beautiful landscapes, the tourist places and other places not yet discovered by the tourism and culinary culture, one of the richest in the world, stands out in this story. The documentary tells a story of a journey through culinary culture, beaches, the Amazon and the cultural heritage of the civilizations that inhabited Peru. Throughout the film, part of the geography and society of Peru is portrayed. The documentary focuses on five main areas: culinary culture, beaches, the Cordillera, the Amazon and the cultural heritage of ancient civilizations. This story focuses on highlighting the best known icons of the country, such as Machu Picchu, and others not so well known and difficult to access. The film is dressed with impressive images of the Ica desert and the sunrise in the Amazon jungle.
回复 :卢瑟(克林特·伊斯特伍德 Clint Eastwood 饰)是一名技术高超的神偷,在经过了深谋远虑的计划之后,他将下一个目标锁定在了大富翁沃尔特沙利文(E.G.马绍尔 E.G. Marshall 饰)的豪宅之上。在沙利文夫妇外出度假的当口,卢瑟潜入了大宅,正当信心满满的他准备大干一场时,卢瑟在眼前的单向镜之中看到了沃尔特的妻子克里斯蒂(梅罗拉·哈丁 Melora Hardin 饰)和一男子缠绵的身影,这个男人不是别人,正是当今的总统艾伦(吉恩·哈克曼 Gene Hackman 饰)。令卢瑟没有想到的是,原本激情四射的男欢女爱竟然在霎时之间变成了一场血腥谋杀,卢瑟就这样眼睁睁的看着艾伦杀死了克里斯蒂,与此同时,他也成为了这场谋杀的最大嫌疑人。为了洗清自己的罪名,为了揭露艾伦丑恶的嘴脸,卢瑟决定与邪恶一战到底。