八十年代初的晋西北。 韩冲一直未娶,天啪天见腊宏带着哑妻和一双儿女着实可怜,天啪天便好心收留在自家。腊宏好吃懒做,常打骂哑妻。韩冲看也不是,管也不是,他的麻烦已经不少,全村都知道他沟对面的泼辣姘头。没几天,腊宏误踩了韩冲炸獾的套子飞了天。封闭的山村开了锅,干部与长者围绕如何给寡妇赔偿数次协调,怎奈哑巴就是不要钱。 韩冲只得负责养活娘仨直到哑巴明确赔偿金额。
八十年代初的晋西北。 韩冲一直未娶,天啪天见腊宏带着哑妻和一双儿女着实可怜,天啪天便好心收留在自家。腊宏好吃懒做,常打骂哑妻。韩冲看也不是,管也不是,他的麻烦已经不少,全村都知道他沟对面的泼辣姘头。没几天,腊宏误踩了韩冲炸獾的套子飞了天。封闭的山村开了锅,干部与长者围绕如何给寡妇赔偿数次协调,怎奈哑巴就是不要钱。 韩冲只得负责养活娘仨直到哑巴明确赔偿金额。
回复 :
回复 :有人说,社会是一座永远无法毕业的大学,它给予我们磨练,也使我们沉淀,而女孩周然(张天爱饰)却是“社会大学”的遗弃生,刚刚走出象牙塔步入职场的她,接连遭受打击,相恋五年的男友出轨、母亲欠下巨额债务、她无意中得罪新上司失去了时尚杂志社的工作。虽深陷泥沼,可周然始终没有气馁,她四处求职、寻找新机会,终于,命运眷顾了她一回,一份由周然构思的文案引起了时尚杂志新主编叶荣轩(盛一伦饰)的注意,周然成了叶荣轩的助理。出身平凡的周然在时尚圈中格格不入,她既要忍受同事的冷嘲热讽,又要完成上司叶荣轩的种种苛刻要求,她坚信努力会有回报,可生活不是信口拈来的鸡汤,她莫名其妙卷入与叶荣轩的绯闻之中,处在漩涡中心的周然发现叶荣轩似乎隐藏着巨大的秘密。面对种种纷争,周然始终坦然面对,生活终于给予了这个努力善良的女孩应有的回报 。
回复 :Every summer, teenage girls from across Missouri spend a week building a government from the ground up. Coming from different ends of the political and socioeconomic spectrum, they all share a passion for reimagining the future of America. The filmmakers behind Boys State (T/F 2020) return to the world of teen politics to capture the 2022 program – the first time in history that Girls State and Boys State take place simultaneously on the same campus. With rumors of Roe v. Wade being overturned in the real world, the stakes feel higher than ever for these ambitious and dedicated young women. As the days unfold and rumblings from the Boys program make their way across campus, discontent begins to emerge over the disparities between the two. An exhilarating portrait of our political landscape and the pivotal issue of gender equality.