回复 :大導演張徹拍攝的少林電影,在七十年代把功夫片推上新的高潮。本片主要交代少林三大俗家弟子洪熙官(陳觀泰)、方世玉(傅聲)、胡惠乾(戚冠軍)的事蹟。故事描述,明末,明將吳三桂賣國降清,清官招降納叛,廣收武當、峨嵋派的江湖敗類,勾結地方惡霸,向少林子弟趕盡殺絕,洪、方、胡等處在重重危機險惡之中……
回复 :Tales from the Occult 2 is a sequel to the 3-part omnibus and is a more ambitious work than its predecessor, swaying towards the psychological thriller genre. Frank Hui’s Rapunzel tells the story, which begins when a female model, sexually harassed by a record company CEO, visits a hair salon where a psychopath works. Daniel Chan’s Cheshire Cat is a nightmarish urban legend that slowly unveils the person who killed Nora’s cat, Bobo, as the trauma continues to haunt her. Doris Wong’s Tooth Fairy details the horrors that any person can experience at a dental clinic. Karena Lam who starred in Leslie Cheung’s last film, Inner Senses (2002), gives a memorable performance as the mysterious dental clinic nurse. (JU Sungchul)
回复 :本片為張徹早期執導之黃梅調作品,故事講述江夏縣令之子田玉川(金峰 飾)為漁家女胡鳳蓮(丁紅 飾)之父抱不平,誤殺總督盧林(井淼 飾)之子惹禍。玉川逃至江邊,走投無路,幸遇鳳蓮搭救,二人相對終宵,情愫漸生,玉川以傳家之寶蝴蝶盃相贈,訂下終身之約……