回复 :Jimmy Reardon and Mary Spalding head their respective organizations, Mary as Director of the Organized Crime Unit, Jimmy the boss of his family's organized crime business. Unexpectedly, Mary successfully recruits Jimmy to act as her star individual in the OCU's underground intelligence network on organized crime. However, it's a two-way street as she needs to provide Jimmy with inside information on police knowledge of his businesses. Both Mary and Jimmy need to tread lightly in their relationship while they try and maintain a grip hold on their respective businesses.
回复 :Pierre Lachenay(让·德赛利 Jean Desailly 饰)是一个已婚的作家和杂志主编,在一次出差时,他被美丽的空姐 Nicole(弗朗索瓦·朵列 Françoise Dorléac 饰)所吸引。碰巧的是,两人竟在同一间酒店见面了。Pierre邀请Ni cole出去喝东西,两人聊了一夜,不久,两人便爱得无法自拔。Pierre要回巴黎了,Nicole在他的本子上留了电话号码。回到家的Pierre瞒着妻子Franca (Nelly Benedetti 饰)偷偷和Nicole联系。他更主动申请出差去Reims,只为了能带上Nicole,暂时远离他的妻子和女儿。在Reims,Pierre为了讲座忙得不可开交,和Nicole闹了矛盾,两人提前离开了Reims。碰巧Pierre的妻子打电话到Reims,发现Pierre已经离开,开始怀疑Pierre。后来,Nicole厌倦了这段关系,离开了Pierre。而另一边,Franca则准备和Pierre离婚。直到Franca发现了Pierre和Nicole的亲密合照,愤怒和嫉妒促使她拿出猎枪,走到街上去寻找Pierre,以了结这一切......
回复 :Winter 1839. LIBERTY, MISSOURI. Local jailer, Samuel Tillery (Jasen Wade) is tasked with watching Missouri's most wanted men as they await their upcoming hearing. Caught between the local Missourians' increased drive to remove the prisoners, and the prisoners' desperate efforts to survive, Tillery is pushed beyond what any lawman can endure. Based on actual recorded accounts, OUT OF LIBERTY is an intense, evocative western, with an outcome you have to see to believe.