泽水A desperate young man possessing special powers clashes with a militarized police force after committing a petty crime.
泽水A desperate young man possessing special powers clashes with a militarized police force after committing a petty crime.
回复 :高中女孩吉冈双叶(本田翼 饰)刻意让自己显得不修边幅,以避免成为其他女生攻击的对象,每天都不得不为此小心应付,殚精竭虑。某天,她意外重逢了曾在初中时代有过交集的男孩田中洸(东出昌大 饰)。当初田中搬家到了长崎,此番重逢后不仅将姓改成了马渕,性格似乎也发生巨大的变化。以班级活动为契机,双叶、马渕、马渕的好友小凑亚耶(吉泽亮 饰)、特立独行的高冷女村尾修子(新川优爱 饰)以及因过于可爱而遭到孤立的槙田悠里(藤本泉 饰)聚到了一起。原本他们的情感便彼此交错,而隔壁班的天才帅哥菊池冬马(千叶雄大 饰)、教师田中阳一(小柳友 饰)以及马渕在长崎的旧友成海唯(高畑充希 饰)又让男孩女孩们的关系更为复杂,于是平添了无数的烦恼……本片根据漫画家咲坂伊绪的同名原作改编。
回复 :小镇青年李重光(施展 饰)因与发神父亲老李头(老四 饰)理发观念不同,决意离乡闯荡学艺理发,在备受大城市的种种欺压和诱惑后,李重光领悟了理发的真谛,并最终决心回到家乡和父亲一起坚守传统理发手艺。
回复 :When a comet passes the earth very closely, it pulls a small part of North Africa with it. Carried along is a bunch of people. Among them Angelika, who just escaped from a ruthless weapon dealer's ship, and her two brothers, who are searching her. Then there's a group of natives, who plan a rebellion against the French colonists. All these conflicts become secondary when the people finally realize that they are doomed to live together on an alien planet. However this time of peace and world-happiness won't last for long...