同捞同煲Paris, the 1980s. Three students decide to celebrate their graduation with a visit of the Paris catacombs. But something, someone, is hunting them. Trapped deep underground, the group needs to get out before it's too late...
同捞同煲Paris, the 1980s. Three students decide to celebrate their graduation with a visit of the Paris catacombs. But something, someone, is hunting them. Trapped deep underground, the group needs to get out before it's too late...
回复 :An alien starship crashes in a swamp in a U.S. National Park. Some mosquitos begin to feed from the alien's corpses, causing them to grow to the size of a vulture. These mutant insects became very agressive, killing every human being they find. Will the few survivors fight successfully against this nightmare...?
回复 :北国渔港小镇,沉默寡言的修治(高倉健 饰)和妻子冬子(いしだあゆみ 饰)一家几口人过着平静的生活。虽然已在此生活十多年,但是即便修治最为亲近的朋友,对他的过去也知之甚少。当年修治曾是大阪夜叉组一名猛将,风光无两之时致令唯一的妹妹被敌对帮派杀害。从此他隐姓埋名,带着妻子来到这个小镇靠打鱼为生。某天,那清秀的女子萤子(田中裕子 饰)来到小镇开设萤火虫酒吧。渔夫们蜂拥前来,热烈捧场。萤子的男人矢岛(北野武 饰)粗暴无礼,赌毒俱全,他引诱渔民们沉湎赌博和毒品,为此与劝阻他的修治发生冲突,最终导致修治的黑道身份被当众揭穿。另一方面,修治也陷入对萤子的迷恋,平静生活再起波澜……
回复 :Drillers on an oil rig near Antarctica discover that they accidentaly brought up several prehistoric eggs. One egg hatches and becomes an unstoppable creature. Chad Everett and Jennifer Warren risk there lives to stop it