回复 :Trevor is 'between jobs'. He spends his days avoiding his nagging heifer of a wife by hiding out in his allotment shed and painting figurines for his wargames with his agoraphobic friend, Graham, and dreaming of his heroic alter-ego, the battle mage Casimir the Destroyer. When Mr Parsons, one of the other allotment tenants, petitions to have Trevor removed from his disgrace of a plot (he's not there to grow stuff!) an argument ensues that leaves Trevor with a corpse to hide. Unfortunately, this untimely accident coincides with the zombie apocalypse and Mr Parsons' return is just the beginnings of Trevor's problems. More pressing is whether or not he should try and save his wife and her beautiful best friend, who both he and Graham have a thing for.
回复 :男主为了追求女主,总是不断向女主提出各种挑战。可是,每次挑战的结果男主都惨败……
回复 :当爱逐渐变得褪色无光,婚姻的瓶颈期就随之而来了。本(布鲁斯·威利斯 Bruce Willis饰)和凯迪(米歇尔·菲佛 Michelle Pfeiffer饰)的婚姻也面临着这个难题。一方面,他们还爱着对方,另一方面却又对每况愈下的婚姻质量失去耐性。孩子们去夏令营了。这一个月里面,他们可以有足够的空间和时间重温旧梦,寻回爱情的美妙感觉。然而,他们的努力一再白费。刻意的挽回婚姻只令彼此都更清楚到了非分开不可的地步了。于是,二人协商,在孩子们回来的那天,要跟他们好好谈论离婚的决定。首先反悔的是凯迪,她对本的爱情明明还在,而这个家庭的气息让她如此舍不得摧毁。凯迪的爱意让本也觉得,他们应该再为婚姻的努力一下……