熊玩An old friend of a private detective is murdered. The detective, Mike Hammer, will make every effort to find out the killer. At each step he does, there is someone taking advantage of his progress. Written by Luis Carvacho {lcarvach@lascar.puc.cl}
熊玩An old friend of a private detective is murdered. The detective, Mike Hammer, will make every effort to find out the killer. At each step he does, there is someone taking advantage of his progress. Written by Luis Carvacho {lcarvach@lascar.puc.cl}
回复 :Recep and Nurullah decide to go village house, which is inherited from his grandma. Recep finds out the existence of a big project, that will damage the village and the surrounding forests. Villagers will fight against the project with Recep's leadership.—yusufpiskin
回复 :一望无际的海面,行驶的豪华邮轮,狂欢庆祝的人群,看似极其平静且普通的夜晚实则暗流涌动,暗中偷袭的触手,难以藏身的角落,嗜血巨兽章鲨大开鲨戒
回复 :僵尸,恶魔,和一个疯狂的医生等待着一车人寻找阿兹特克遗址。奥沙利文神父是一名天主教神父,他已经失去了对上帝的信仰,也无法忘记曾经和他有过一段婚外情(还有一个儿子)的修女。奥沙利文为考古学生卡尔,新时代的威尔伯和克拉利斯·莱明,离家出走的劳里,游客杜佐斯和弗罗斯特在墨西哥巴士旅行期间担任导游。更令奥沙利文惊讶的是,当他的爱人泰茜和她的儿子埃文一起上车时。在墨西哥,卡尔透露了他对一个重要的古代文本的了解,正好赶上了死亡庆典的日子。与此同时,邪恶的Um-tzec博士正在为自己策划一场神化,最终化身为死亡之神,而他需要完成的是献祭孩子们的心……很多很多的心。当欧沙利文神父为再次见到泰茜而挣扎的时候,Um-tzec医生走近他进行驱魔;但. .