回复 :"Do you want to do it...?"The fatal seduction of...the "Challenge Game"Florist Ae-ran (Vicky) and forensics investigator Min-ho (Choi Ryeong) from the Public Prosecutor's Office both have a family that everyone wants. However, Min-ho can't handle bed time so Ae-ran starts a 'challenge game' in which she seduces and has sex with strange men. One day, Ae-ran and Min-ho meet Alex (Choi Hyeon-ho) at a tango cafe. Alex is interested in Ae-ran and approaches her while Ae-ran takes interest in Alex who is more handsome than her husband. Min-ho later witnesses them in action and gets angry when he finds out the man Ae-ran seduced is Alex. Min-ho feels nervous because he finds out Alex isn't just a game partner and approached him for a reason. Min-ho tries to get rid of Alex but Alex chokes Ae-ran and Min-ho even more and feels catharsis. The game they started is turning into a catastrophe...
回复 :本片為張徹導演,並與倪匡聯合編劇,演員除羅莽、江生、郭追、孫建、鹿峰一眾《五毒》演員之外,尚有曹達華客串。故事描述土匪出身的軍人韓佩昌(王力 飾)發動叛變,殺死師長楊宗,竊居其位,楊家只得長子大英一人(羅莽 飾)逃出生天。大英志切報仇,結果未得手已告命喪;其好友陳風(江生 飾)、梁國仁(郭追 飾)、傅全義(鹿峰 飾)、辛成(孫建 飾)決替其復仇……
回复 :男主一心想做演员,参与了各种试镜,常常在家里念台词,而在家中寄宿的两个年轻女郎意外听到了男主的一段台词,误以为男主真的是有200亿的土豪,两个女人各怀鬼胎,其中一个女人色诱男主上床,录音来要挟男主给她钱,而另一个女人知道男主怕老婆,财务可能由老婆管理,便叫来她的男友来勾引男主的老婆,而两个女人下手之后,才发现了这不过是一场闹剧.....