回复 :Season nine of long-running British spy thriller "MI-5" opens with Ros' (Hermione Norris) funeral, where Harry (Peter Firth) learns of a shocking betrayal at the highest level. Also this season, the agents go after Somali terrorist Hussein Abib (Peter Bankole), a scandalous secret from Lucas' (Richard Armitage) past is unveiled, and a growing bond develops between Ruth and Harry. Sophia Myles and Max Brown join the cast as agents Beth Bailey and Dimitri Levendis.
回复 :Hannah Stern makes the risky decision to leave her family firm for a competitor in a steamy legal drama about divorce - in and out of the courtroom.
回复 :在一块神秘未知,名为“宿川”的大陆上,流传着许多神话时代的美丽传说。一场天降浩劫,导致众神陨落,宿川进入了分裂的混乱纪元。多年后,少年君主元一即位,誓要结束乱世。元一认为混乱之源是神灵的陨落,他微服逃离皇城,找到了蕴藏神灵之力的少女玲珑。玲珑与父亲火屠辛在偏远的村落中相依为命,虽然幼年丧母,但独立优秀。在元一的请求下,火屠辛同玲珑、元一一起离开村落,踏上拯救宿川的冒险之旅。邪恶永远无法匹敌正义,玲珑父女和他们的朋友们,最终击败了邪恶的力量,带领宿川走向了美好的新时代。