费视Exploring love and the weird things we do in the name of it, encased in an elaborate true-crime conspiracy.
费视Exploring love and the weird things we do in the name of it, encased in an elaborate true-crime conspiracy.
回复 :Wild Canada From the filmmakers of the acclaimed series Human Planet and Planet Earth comes Wild Canada, this spectacular five-part series on the wildlife and the wild lands of Canada reveals a Canada that few have seen before. Underlying the series is an epic narrative through time and across the vast scale of the Canadian landscape, that provides exciting new stories about the plant and wildlife of Canada. New research reveals that many of Canada's unique and stunning natural landscapes are the direct result of ancient human activity. Each episode tells two parallel stories: the natural history of Canada, and how past humans shaped Canada's landscape and the wildlife spectacles we see today.
回复 :Netflix的伪纪录片剧《美国囧案 American Vandal》第二季确定在美国时间9月14日上线,这部获艾美奖提名及赢得皮博迪奖的剧集新季讲述,纪录片工作者Peter Maldonado及Sam Ecklund(Tyler Alvarez及Griffin Gluck饰演)被招来到一间天主教精英学校,他们将调查一宗引致学校多人腹泻的大型恶作剧事件。而有一匿名帐户「Turd Burglar」承认这次事件的责任,主角们得查出谁是幕后黑手。
回复 :《居家自制》是由世界各地著名电影制作人创作的短片合辑。受新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 爆发的影响,电影制作人受困在家,创作了十分感人的个人故事,记录了我们在隔离期间的共同生活经历。《居家自制》由 Fremantle 旗下公司 The Apartment Pictures 以及 Fabula 制作,颂扬了全球流行病期间电影制作的匠心和持久创造力。这些故事仅使用在家中可以找到的设备拍摄,从制作人日常生活的私密记录,到多种类型的虚构短篇故事,深入观察了封锁如何影响不同国家/地区以及当地人的生活。