亚洲The body of a schoolgirl is found in a meadow. The murderer is never caught, and years later; a young man named Stefano returns to the island and is reunited with his brother, the local priest
亚洲The body of a schoolgirl is found in a meadow. The murderer is never caught, and years later; a young man named Stefano returns to the island and is reunited with his brother, the local priest
回复 :A group of documentary filmmakers are filming a TV special about the events which occurred at the famous and mysterious abandoned Cain Hill asylum many years earlier, and the unexplained abductions and murders that have occurred at the site since then. The group soon learn that one of the inmates never left Cain Hill at all.
回复 :何丽珠(郑秀文饰)去加勒比海度假,遇上了一名相貌堂堂知书识礼的男子,虽然才相识7天,二人还是闪电结婚。然而好景不长,男子在潜水中不幸丧生,令何丽珠悲伤万分。这段闪电的姻缘却没有让丽珠很快地忘掉丈夫。她沉浸在生活的阴影当中,久久不能自拔。一天她竟偶然发现,自己左眼可以见到鬼。在此之后,丽珠遇见王劲威(刘青云饰)。他自称是丽珠的小学同学,曾经对她非常的倾心。丽珠开始时嫌他麻烦,然而和他相处过程中,却屡屡得到他的帮助劝慰,让她快点医好丈夫逝去的心病。在王劲威要去投胎之前,丽珠想让他找来丈夫,见上一面,然而王劲威没能找回来。然而,丽珠却慢慢发现,自己的心愿其实并没落空,而且生活的希望也在一点点的回到她的心中。
回复 :一次不幸的经历让心理医生珍(卡里斯·范·侯登 Carice van Houten 饰)陷入了痛苦的境地无法自拔,为了摆脱熟悉的环境的悲伤的回忆,珍自告奋勇的接下了女孩桃乐丝(詹·穆瑞 Jenn Murray 饰)的案子,在这件耸人听闻的案件中,年仅15岁的桃乐丝竟是被告,她被控告意图谋杀她所看护的婴儿。桃乐丝住在位于爱尔兰附近的偏僻小岛上,刚到岛上,敏感的珍便察觉到这里弥漫着压抑而诡异的气氛。珍见到了桃乐丝,却发现这个女孩的言行举止完全颠覆了她积累多年的职业经验,难道事实真的如同岛上牧师所说——桃乐丝的身体里住着恶魔?随着调查的深入,令人震惊的真相逐渐浮出了水面。©豆瓣